Friday, July 30, 2010

Breakfast Apricot Crisp

A few weeks ago, I bought a good amount of apricots at the farmers' market.  The farmer said they were under-ripe and needed a few days on the counter.  I let them sit there awhile, and they did ripen up, they just weren't that good.  Not very juicy...just a little early for apricot season here apparently.  But, as I said they were ripe, so I needed to do something with them.  This recipe from Smitten Kitchen is perfect for average apricots.

It is a very easy recipe and keeps for days in the fridge.  As she says on SK, it definitely benefits from an overnight stay in the fridge.  I essentially cut the recipe in half, but didnt use the flour with the apricots (if they were juicier I probably would have), used only a sprinkle of sugar there as well, and kept the full amount of almonds in the topping.  I ate this with Greek yogurt for breakfast this week and really enjoyed it.

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