Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Miso-Tofu Ranch Dip

This recipe looked exotic to me (Momofuku), and it turned out to be great! We ate it on a salad one night, then dipped vegetables in it for days, until it disappeared. Next time I might try to substitute the sour cream with Greek yogurt, for obvious reasons :)

An Ideal Lunch Salad Recipe

I made this salad, from 101 Cookbooks, when I was home for Thanksgiving. I was concerned a bit about the dressing not being suitable for everyone, but I was wrong: Even Granny ate it! I think sunflower seeds could be a good alternative for pepitas, and I recommend you use high quality olives.

I do not have a photo, so I am using Heidi's:

Roast Salmon and Broccoli with Chile-Caper Vinaigrette

This recipe, from Bon Appetit was fast and delicious. Very simple but great flavors. My only regret was not making more!