Although I occasionally eat really good Mexican food in the three or four Mexican restaurants in London, I almost never make any at home because I find it really difficult to locate Mexican ingredients. My grocery store carries a line of Old El Paso products, but they look gross in the package, and I’m guessing they would taste gross, too. Finding all of the ingredients for a meal would require me visiting multiple grocery stores and even then, I’m not sure I would have anything that seems remotely authentic (shredded English cheddar is no match for queso fresco).
However, I ventured into a very scary neighbourhood a few months back to a Mexican store that sold a handful on genuinely Mexican ingredients. I bought a few things and made a dash for the safety of the Tube. One of my purchases was a can of tomatillos. If I lived in LA I would never consider buying a can of tomatillos, but I live in London, and sometimes I just have to take what I can get.
I started by roasting a loosely chopped red onion and the tomatillos on a high setting, for about ten minutes (about 400F). After ten minutes I added two cloves of garlic and roasted for a further five minutes. (Note that I have a convection oven.)
I added the roasted vegetables to my food processor, along with half a de-seeded jalapeno, a handful of cilantro, a dash of salt, pepper and cumin.
Delicious! And colorful, too.